An Herb..aceous Border

Part of the Suffolk Owl Sanctuary’s focus over the next few months is to add extra interest to our facilities, specifically for visitors suffering sensory impairment. The latest innovation is the addition of a raised herb bed within the sensory garden.

This has come to fruition (no pun intended) due to a generous donation from a local family in memory of a late relative who was particularly fond of owls.


The timber built, L- shaped  bed stands at a height suitable for access with a wheelchair, allowing close contact with the variety of herbs within. The planting has been designed for maximum enjoyment through the senses of smell, touch and taste and includes lemon thyme, sage, curry plant, mint, lemon balm, oregano, dill and coriander.

It is hoped that both wheelchair users and the able bodied, deaf and blind visitors will all gain pleasure from bruising the leaves to release the pungent smell of the herbs. Those who wish to will also be welcome to taste the leaves of the wonderful variety of plants available in the bed. Specimens have been selected for their variety of perfumes from the citrusy lemon of the thyme, through aromatic sage and fresh, clean mint to the spicy, heady scent of the curry plant.

The herb bed will provide yet another focal point in the sensory garden where visitors can take their time over a leisurely picnic at wheelchair accessible tables and enjoy the relaxing water feature, atmospheric wind chimes and tactile, sculptural seating area.

Sanctuary staff are extremely grateful for the generous remembrance donation which has made this new dimension to the S.O.S. Sensory Garden possible.